Risking Analysis Using Monte Carlo Simulation

Input Data


### Inputs
  Tp90 <- 80       ### %      ### Trap MINIMUM VALUE
  Tp10 <- 90       ### %      ### Trap THROW MAXIMUM VALUE
  Rp90 <- 80       ### %      ### Reservoir MINIMUM VALUE
  Rp10 <- 90       ### %      ### Reservoir MAXIMUM VALUE
  Sp90 <- 80       ### %      ### Source MINIMUM VALUE
  Sp10 <- 90       ### %      ### Source MAXIMUM VALUE
  Mp90 <- 80       ### %      ### Migration MINIMUM VALUE
  Mp10 <- 90       ### %      ### Migration MAXIMUM VALUE

Data Processing (Creating Monte Carlo Model)

  n = 10000     ### NUMBER OF ITERATIONS
  seed = 999    ### SEED 
  ### Calculate the SD 
  Tsd <- sd(Tp90:Tp10)
  Rsd <- sd(Rp90:Rp10)
  Ssd <- sd(Sp90:Sp10)
  Msd <- sd(Mp90:Mp10)

  ### Calculate the Mean 
  Tmean <- mean(Tp90:Tp10)
  Rmean <- mean(Rp90:Rp10)
  Smean <- mean(Sp90:Sp10)
  Mmean <- mean(Mp90:Mp10)

  ### Trap Distribution
  TR = mcstoc(rnorm, mean=Tmean, sd=Tsd, rtrunc=TRUE, linf=Tp90, lsup=Tp10, seed = seed, nsv= n )

  ###  Distribution
  Rs = mcstoc(rnorm, mean=Rmean, sd=Rsd, rtrunc=TRUE, linf=Rp90, lsup=Rp10, seed = seed, nsv= n )
  ### Source Distribution
  Sr = mcstoc(rnorm, mean=Smean, sd=Ssd, rtrunc=TRUE, linf=Sp90, lsup=Sp10, seed = seed, nsv= n)
  ### Source Distribution
  Mg = mcstoc(rnorm, mean=Mmean, sd=Msd, rtrunc=TRUE, linf=Mp90, lsup=Mp10, seed = seed, nsv= n)
  # hist(T, xlab="Fault throw (m)", breaks=100, col="cyan", border = NA)
  # hist(L, xlab="Layer Thickness (m)", breaks=100, col="red", border = NA)
  # hist(S, xlab="S (%)", breaks=100, col="yellow", border = NA)
  DENT <- density(TR) 
  DENR <- density(Rs)
  DENS <- density(Sr)
  DENM <- density(Mg)
  plot(DENT, col="#ff606080", border=NA,xlab="Trap COS (%)",main = "Trap COS Distribution") 
  polygon(DENT, col="#ff606080", border=NA)
  plot(DENR, xlab="Reservoir COS (%)",main = "Reservoir COS Distribution")
  polygon(DENR, col="#6060ff80", border=NA)
  plot(DENS, xlab="Source COS (%)",main = "Source COS Distribution")
  polygon(DENS, col="#bfff00", border=NA)
  plot(DENM, xlab="Migration COS (%)",main = "Migration COS Distribution")
  polygon(DENS, col="#FFDF9F", border=NA)

Results and Outputs

  GCOS = (TR/100 * Rs/100 *Sr/100 * Mg/100)*100
   ### Historgam plot for GCOS
   hist(GCOS, xlab="Geological Chance of Success (%)", breaks=100, col="seagreen1")

   ### density plot for GCOS
   DENGCOS <- density(GCOS)
        polygon(DENGCOS, col="#ff606080", border=NA)
        rug(GCOS, side = 3)

        #abline(v=c(18,22),lwd = 3,col = c("green","red") , lty =c(1,3))
   P<-summary(GCOS, probs = c(0.01,0.1,0.50,0.9,0.99))
   Pdata<- data.frame(unmc(P))
        colnames(Pdata)<- c("Mean","SD","1%","10%","50%","90%","99%")
        rownames(Pdata)[1] <- "GCOS"
   knitr::kable(Pdata[1:7], digits = 0,  caption = "GCOS MC Distribution ",booktabs = TRUE)
GCOS MC Distribution
Mean SD 1% 10% 50% 90% 99%
GCOS 52 6 41 44 52 61 65
  plot(x=c(1,10,50,90,99), y=Pdata[3:7], type="o",lwd = 3,
            col="blue", main = "GCOS Probability Density Distribution",
           xlab = "Distribution Percentages %",
           ylab = "GCOS Distribution")
            abline(v=c(10,50,90),lwd = 3,col = c("green","blue","red") , lty =c(1,2,3))

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Please dont hesitate to contact me over a_moslim@live.com to share your comments.