Creating Economic Model for Oil and Gas Projects EcoMan

Writing The Economic Functions

The Input data

We have two different projects to be evaluated based on the folowing economic parameters:
- Net Present Value NPV
- Internal Rate of Return IRR
- Pay back Period PBP
- Discounted Pay back Period DPBP
- Discounted Cash Flow DCF

### the Two Project that needed to be evaluated
# To evaluate the two projects they should have the same project time
#together to evaluate them together or you should evaluate them separately
  Time.Evaluation <-c(1:6)
  Project1 <- c(-1000, 1250, 10, 10, 20, 20)
  Project2 <- c(-1000, -10, 0, 10, 20, 2000) <- data.frame(Time.Evaluation, Project1 , Project2)
  knitr::kable(, digits = 2)
Time.Evaluation Project1 Project2
1 -1000 -1000
2 1250 -10
3 10 0
4 10 10
5 20 20
6 20 2000

The Method of Evaluations

1. Calculating the Discounted Cash Flow DCF

To understand the time value of Money for the two projects.

### Calculating the Discounted Cash Flow "DCF"
### the interest rate given is 0.06 "6%"

CDF.P1 <- dcf(Project1, r= 0.06, t0=TRUE)
cdfProject1<- data.frame(Time.Evaluation, Project1,CDF.P1)
knitr::kable(cdfProject1, digits = 2)
Time.Evaluation Project1 CDF.P1
1 -1000 -1000.00
2 1250 1179.25
3 10 8.90
4 10 8.40
5 20 15.84
6 20 14.95
CDF.P2 <- dcf(Project2, r= 0.06, t0=TRUE)
cdfProject2<- data.frame(Time.Evaluation, Project2,CDF.P2)
knitr::kable(cdfProject2, digits = 2)
Time.Evaluation Project2 CDF.P2
1 -1000 -1000.00
2 -10 -9.43
3 0 0.00
4 10 8.40
5 20 15.84
6 2000 1494.52

2. Claculating Net Present Value NPV

To understand the Whole project monetry value in the present day.

### NPV Calculations
npv.p1 <- npv(Project1, r=0.06, t0 = TRUE)
npv.p2 <- npv(Project2, r=0.06, t0 = TRUE)
npv.all <- data.frame(npv.p1,npv.p2)
knitr::kable(npv.all, digits = 2)
npv.p1 npv.p2
227.33 509.32

3. Calculating the Payback Period PBP

### PayBack Period Calculations
pbp.p1<- pbp(Project1)
pbp.p2<- pbp(Project2)
pbp.all <- data.frame(pbp.p1,pbp.p2)
pbp.p1 pbp.p2
0.8 4.49
dpbp.p1 <- dpbp(Project1, r= 0.06, t0=TRUE)
dpbp.p2 <- dpbp(Project2, r= 0.06, t0=TRUE)
dpbp.all <- data.frame(dpbp.p1,dpbp.p2)
knitr::kable(dpbp.all, digits = 2)
dpbp.p1 dpbp.p2
0.85 4.66

4. Calculating the Internal Rate Of Return IRR

### IRR Calculations 
IRR.P1 <- irr(Project1)
IRR.P2 <- irr(Project2)
IRR.all <- data.frame(IRR.P1,IRR.P2)
knitr::kable(IRR.all, digits = 2)
0.28 0.15
## Attaching package: 'cowplot'
## The following object is masked from 'package:ggplot2':
##     ggsave
projects <- c("Project1","Project2")
NpvA <- c(npv.p1,npv.p2)
pay<- c(pbp.p1,pbp.p2)
dpay <- c(dpbp.p1,dpbp.p2)
ir <- c(IRR.P1,IRR.P2)
Econman <- data.frame(projects,NpvA, pay,dpay, ir)
knitr::kable(Econman, digits = 2,caption = "The Economic parameters Comparison")
The Economic parameters Comparison
projects NpvA pay dpay ir
Project1 227.33 0.80 0.85 0.28
Project2 509.32 4.49 4.66 0.15
NPVPlt<- ggplot(data = Econman,aes(x=Econman$projects, y= Econman$NpvA))+geom_col()+labs(x = "Projects", y= "NPV", title = "NPV MMSD")
PayPlt<- ggplot(data = Econman,aes(x=Econman$projects, y= Econman$pay))+geom_col()+labs(x = "Projects", y= "Payback Period", title = "PayBack Period in Years")
dpayPlt<- ggplot(data = Econman,aes(x=Econman$projects, y= Econman$dpay))+geom_col()+labs(x = "Projects", y= "Disc Payback", title = "Discounted Payback Period in Years")
IRRPlt<- ggplot(data = Econman,aes(x=Econman$projects, y= Econman$ir*100))+geom_col()+labs(x = "Projects", y= "IRR", title = "Internal Rate Of return %")


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